The Arbo Project by Race Bays
This project has become a bit of an obsession of mine, and I’m hoping publishing a diary of my progress might be helpful if not at least entertaining to someone out there.
Progress Archive
Lots of progress; connecting our motor drivers to the proof of concept chassis, taming RTOS tasks, implementing a PID controller to respond to gyroscope readings.
Disneyland Droid breakdown + analysis
We’ve upped the ante after a quick visit to Disneyland’s Droid Depot. We perform an analytical teardown on their product and see what can and can’t be used for Arbo!
Returning to the project after focusing on my final semester of college, we get the hardware connected to power the motors for the proof-of-concept chassis.
How to flip a dining room table
The woes of misunderstanding RTOS tasks, semaphores, and WDT errors. Enthusiasts of Sisyphean efforts welcome.
Using Bluetooth to estimate distance
Overview on how to calculate distance between two Bluetooth devices using time of flight calculations and its improvements over measuring signal strength.
Mobile App, Gyro ramp up
We begin work on the mobile app system component, select a chassis for the proof of concept build, and get the on-board gyroscope working!
Delivery Day
Parts delivery and initial work on estimating distance over Bluetooth using RSSI.
System Design Overview
Overview of Arbo’s system design, proposed navigation algorithms, research on neural network use, and reworking calculations for motor selection.
Project Introduction: Arbo (RB-0)
Introducing the Arbo project, an exercise in project planning, system design and development in an attempt to design and build a BB-8 inspired personal robot from scratch.